Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Join NACE Today!

{Artwork Credit: NACE}

Fellow colleagues! Are you a member of National Association of Catering Executives, more commonly known as NACE? Well, if your not, this is the time to join! NACE has a fabulous Spring Special going on and you really don't want to miss out on it!

I joined NACE a few years back and I can honestly say it has been the best experience, as a professional! I developed, not just great relationships within the special events industry, but found great friends! If you have any questions about NACE, you can always shoot me an email or give me a call! If not, just click on the image below or here and go sign-up!

Take advantage of our economic stimulus package!

Now everyone* can get a bigger piece of the pie.
A membership in the National Association of Catering Executives (NACE) gives your business a competitive edge with the right connections, tools and resources necessary to increase your share of the market.

Apply online at with discount code SPR11 (new) or RNW11 (renewing).
Download the new spring campaign brochure for details and exclusions.
*Campaign codes are required to receive the special discount.

Quick Links:
NACE plate1 CPCE logo NACE Store FONLogo RenoTahoe Logo revised

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