Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

{Artwork Credit: A Day To Remember; Photo Credit: Family Albums}

A Day To Remember would like to take this time to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, mothers-to-be and mothers in law! It is with your selfless acts of love, dedication, nurturing and sacrifice that we are better people.

Mother's Day is always a bittersweet holiday for us. My sister and I are forever thankful for having been blessed with the time we had with our mom; we see so much of her in us {physically, our mannerisms and even the way we do certain things} and we're blessed to always have those beautiful reminders.

Veronica and I want to dedicate this post, especially to our dear mother, whom we know watches over us at all times. We love you mom and miss you now and always.

{Claudia with her mom, Circa 1973}

{Veronica with her mom, Circa 1975}

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