Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

{Artwork Credit:  A Day To Remember}

Can't believe it's almost Christmas and 2013 is just around the corner!  Yikes!!!

We have much to be thankful for and are excited about what is on the horizon for 2013...we can't reveal our projects but you all will know soon enough!  Before we start thinking about 2013, though, we wanted to take this time to wish each and every one of you a JOYFUL HOLIDAY SEASON!

We've had an amazing year filled with such amazing celebrations as we witnessed the union of love of so many of our pretty awesome couples. We loved that we were a part of some graduation celebrations and the welcoming celebrations of new lives with some pretty amazing baby showers...WOW!  We are just humbled to be a part of such significant and memorable milestones and honored you chose us to help create "a day to remember"!

We are now officially on holiday break until January 2nd of 2013.  While our offices will be closed, we will be available for our last events of the calls and emails will be returned on an as-needed, basis.  Once we are back from holiday vacation, we will respond to all other emails and phone messages.  

Because we can't really stop working, we will probably have a few more blog posts going up, as we still have some fun things to share with you before 2012 closes its doors.

So......Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!! Here is to an AMAZING and PROSPEROUS 2013 to you all!!!

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