Sunday, November 14, 2010

{A Personal Note} One Year Anniversary

{Photo Credit: DW Photography}

Marriage is such a sacred vow to me and one I take very seriously. Being in the business of weddings, I've been blessed to be surrounded by people in love. Sadly, I've witnessed or learned of some previous clients or just friends in general who, for one reason or another, didn't make their marriage work. I only hope and pray that my husband and I will follow in the footsteps of our parents, who have learned to grow with each other and become one unity.

Our Catholic wedding on November 13, 2009; {Photo Credit: DW Photography}

A year ago yesterday and today, I married the most wonderful man and for 365 days I've been so thankful to have found him. I know that for some, one year isn't a "big deal", but it is to me. As with all marriages, especially the first year, there are ups and downs and then more ups! I'm thankful that we've made it through the first year and I'm looking forward to at least another 50 years!

Our beach wedding on November 14, 2009; {Photo Credit: DW Photography}

Happy Anniversary Jonny! I love you dearly and I'm looking forward to growing old with you!

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